
“It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas” by John McMillan

Nearly fifteen years ago, I met a well-known English landscape photographer called Joe Cornish. I was (am) a commercial printer, and Joe was trying to find a printer to do his books and calendars, which could get the color right as he’d had repeated disappointments in books he’d previously printed.

Two things happened: I started printing for Joe, and he loved what I did. Second, I became hooked on photographing the landscape myself.

I live in Cheshire, England. It’s flat, doesn’t have scenic rivers, and is nowhere near the coast. This has meant I have to travel a lot to find places to photograph. However, the peak photographic season (Autumn) is also the season I’m inundated with professional calendars and books wanted pre-Christmas. This means I have to seek out local places to fulfill my photographic needs.

The scene here is a spot on one of our very few (and low) hills at a place called Bickerton, which is only 20 minutes away from my home. When I woke up well before dawn and realized it had snowed overnight, I knew this was where I needed to head. It’s normally a very complex area and hard to resolve, but the snow and the mist would simplify everything, which usually overcomplicates the scene.

I arrived in the dark and, whilst the snow was still falling, was accompanied by a very happy dog. I set the tripod and composed the shot, the dark leading line a bonus I hadn’t envisaged. Ten (cold) minutes later, the sun had risen enough to supply the flat, diffused light required, shot taken, and then back to work finishing printing a book for James Popsys.

What are the TWO most impactful features that make your image a good photograph? Don’t be shy!

Classis composition, strong contrast in the image.

If you could make this photo again, what would be the ONE thing you would like to do better or different?

If I were there again, I would probably have waited five more minutes to introduce actual ‘snowing’ snow.

John McMillan shared this photograph with the FRAMES Facebook Group.


John McMillan, Nantwich, Cheshire, England


Equipment and settings

Sony A7rV, Sigma 24-70mm
f2.8 at 24mm. ISO 100, f8
Processed in Lightroom.

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