Category: Look Closer

LOOK CLOSER: “Mountains: An Endless Obsession” – by Rob Wilson

I love mountains. There are few times when I am as happy as when I am walking in a Himalayan

LOOK CLOSER: Thinking about time, or “L” through the years – by Rob Wilson

Recently, I had a conversation with a young man who knew nothing about my connection to photography. He told me

LOOK CLOSER: “For the Love of the Story: Four Short Photography Tales” by Rob Wilson

I wanted to call this article A Cabinet of Curiosities as I thought it a suitable title for a column

LOOK CLOSER: “Tom McGahan – In Essex” by Rob Wilson

I grew up as part of a stereotype. That stereotype relates to the English county of my birth – Essex.

LOOK CLOSER: “Jean-Marc Carisse – The Man in the Room” – by Rob Wilson

I like surprises. I really do. Obviously, they have to be good surprises and some of my favourites are related

LOOK CLOSER: “AI – Machines Rising ” – by Rob Wilson

I can remember a moment nearly four decades ago quite vividly. The exact year escapes me, but I would have

LOOK CLOSER: “Photographs, Memories, Wars” – by Rob Wilson

November includes what I regard as one of the most important days of the year. It is Remembrance Day, also

LOOK CLOSER: “Reading Matters” – by Rob Wilson

Each month before I begin writing this column, I can often be found staring at my shelves of photography books.

LOOK CLOSER: “Into the Flood: Peter Caton and South Sudan” – by Rob Wilson

As someone who works in a camera shop, I often get to meet a range of interesting people. This is

LOOK CLOSER: “The Simple Joy of a Walk with a Camera” – by Rob Wilson

I walk almost everywhere where it is practical and sensible. I did learn to drive thirty something years ago. That

LOOK CLOSER: “James Webb: a Cure for the Jaded” – by Rob Wilson

I feel jaded. I really do. I constantly try to pay attention to what is going on and keep abreast

LOOK CLOSER: “Alec Soth: The World, in Photobooks” – by Rob Wilson

Many years ago, I stumbled across a series of articles in The Guardian that caught my eye. The series was

LOOK CLOSER: “The Genius of Whitby – Frank Meadow Sutcliffe” – by Rob Wilson

Since arriving in Canada in 2019, I have lived in Scarborough, a district of Toronto. It is a place for

LOOK CLOSER: The Resting Places of Forgotten Photographs – by Rob Wilson

In the late Carlos Ruiz Zafrón’s marvellous modern gothic novel The Shadow of the Wind, which is set in a

LOOK CLOSER: WTF? – by Rob Wilson

Some years ago, in an interesting article on the strange life of Tsutomu Yamaguchi[1], who was either the world’s luckiest