“STOP WARS” by Heiko Westphalen

Berlin, the place to be… and I have nothing to add to that.

The city with an unimaginable number of photo motifs to discover. Every corner reveals something new to the attentive observer with a camera, everything is constantly changing. I love this city, where I myself spent 10 years of my life, but where my keen interest in photography was also awakened.

Back then it was still analog and you had to know a lot more about the relationships in photography than is the case today. Autofocus? No way. Manual focus. I wouldn’t want to miss all this knowledge, not even the countless hours in the darkroom.

On my photographic forays today, which I always undertake on visits there, I noticed this building near Alexanderplatz in Berlin’s Mitte district. At the top is the lettering: ALLESANDERSPLATZ and the red painted lettering: STOP WARS – how true! It is annoying to realize that there is probably not a day in the year when there is not a war going on somewhere in the world, as if there were nothing more important to do!

The picture was a spontaneous snapshot with the Fuji X100V. From my point of view, everything fits together quite harmoniously.

A small, special bonus is the old vintage car in the foreground. So the eye of the viewer of the picture can go on a little voyage of discovery, and I tried to give the picture a vintage look in terms of color, which I think suits it well.

I would like to encourage everyone to embark on their own voyage of discovery; you begin to perceive and observe your environment more attentively.

What are the TWO most impactful features that make your image a good photograph? Don’t be shy!

There is not a day in the world when there is no war. That’s why the message “STOP WARS” on the building really appeals to me. I also really like the framing I chose, and the vintage car is a little bonus.

If you could make this photo again, what would be the ONE thing you would like to do better or different?

As it was a spontaneous snapshot, I am very happy with the result and would expose it again in the same way.

Heiko Westphalen shared this photograph with the FRAMES Facebook Group.


Heiko Westphalen, Flensburg, Germany


Equipment and settings

Fujifilm X100V
1/1100, F 5.6, ISO 320
No crop, Post-processing in CaptureOne and Camera Raw (CS6)

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