We are thrilled to announce that FRAMES Magazine has just partnered with a small European team, led by Italian photographer Giulio D’Ercole, for a unique, impactful photography and multimedia project called “Our Home – A Shared New World”. This project is directly related to the challenging times of COVID-19.
We would love for YOU to become a part of this project.
Since the coronavirus entered the lives of billions of citizens all over the world, photography has been able to describe its devastating power in multiple immediate and effective ways. Photographers worldwide have witnessed the effects of the pandemic on cities, landscapes, and people, capturing the changes of social and individual behavior in the workplace, in schools, or in homes. By doing so, each photographer has contributed to the creation of an enormous collective and global archive as rich and diversified as the individual photographers’ sensitivity and creativity could be.
Giulio D’Ercole, an Italian photographer with a significant international experience, has strongly perceived that – paradoxically, while living in the millennium of globalization – we have all been forced to stay within our borders, respect lockdowns, curfews and strict social distancing rules, yet, like never before we have been made to realize how vulnerable and interconnected we are as human beings, and how we can solve enormous problems only through unity rather than as separated individuals.
Therefore, he visualized that combining the expressive talent of many photographers operating around the world can be a powerful communication tool to document in an innovative and effective artistic way during these life-changing times.
Above all, Giulio strongly believes that a combined, international cooperation of creative photographers can become an outstanding medium to communicate and understand how humanity, as a whole, has been facing this epochal challenge, at individual, local, and national levels.
FRAMES has embraced these ideas and that is why we are sending out this call.
With the support of Marco Bena, for the communication part, Giulio D’Ercole developed a strong concept for two innovative exhibitions on this theme. He is partnering with FRAMES Magazine to involve, in a pivotal role, the visual knowledge of FRAMES readers and photographers into this ambitious and yet perspective-changing project.
Based on the interest of the institutional agencies of the European Community, Giulio and Marco are now working on achieving an even wider scope of this project, involving photographers living in non-European countries.
Therefore, the project intends to run on two parallel paths: one specifically dedicated to Europe, and the other extended to the whole world.
FRAMES has long established itself as a phenomenal “collector” for those who love artistic photography and fully appreciate its expressive power. That’s why this steadily growing photography platform and community, with its worldwide range of professionals, is the perfect partner to work with on this project.
With FRAMES members’ active participation, with your minds, eyes and hearts, we will certainly be able to tell in pictures the life on Earth in time of COVID-19, making the world see that we are all part of one human community.
Do not miss the opportunity to add your voice.
FRAMES Magazine and its friends can make an important contribution to this battle.
How can you participate?
Have you been working on a new project related to the pandemic? Have these challenging times inspired you in any way to create a new body of work? Have you documented the struggle, your ever changing environment, or maybe simply your own life that is being affected by the pandemic? Have you developed new visual ideas?
Share your work with us. Upload as little as one or as many as ten photographs and add some words about your work.
Carefully selected photographers will be invited to participate in the final multimedia exhibition, which will be organized in several different geographical locations, possibly on a few continents.
1. Photographers submitting their photograph(s) retain full copyrights of the photos.
2. Photos selected and not selected for the final presentation will be used only for the project and will not be used out of it or given to third parties.
3. The only use of the photos will be for the exhibition/project and to increase its visibility, marketing, and launching campaign.
4. Selected photos will be published in a special catalogue to be produced for the project and to be launched at its first exhibition.
We are looking forward to seeing your work and hoping to create an impactful photographic presentation that will make people pause and contemplate on the influence of the pandemic on our society, individual lives, and creative endeavors.
Lou Whelan
September 7, 2021 at 12:50
Hi, this sounds like a wonderful and ambitious undertaking and a timely motivator , just speaking for myself where I am particularly now feeling the severe mental wearing down of the effects of the 6th hard lockdown in Australia.
May I ask please what is the cut off date for submissions to this project?
Thank you to the organisers and everyone at Frames for all you do . Warmly, Lou
September 9, 2021 at 09:24
Dear Lou, we definitely have time until mid-December this year.
Jaffer Bhimji
November 11, 2021 at 01:01
Ah. Just seen answer to my question.
September 9, 2021 at 11:57
I am very happy to get acquainted with this magazine and your professional team. I hope I can work with you more. And publish the events around me through you
February 2, 2022 at 20:22
Dear Hamzeh,
I am so very sorry for this unforgivable delay in replying to you. I hope you have not lost your enthusiasm because of it. If you have not sent your work yet, please do. The deadline has been postponed to April 30th, 2022. Here is the link again https://www.cognitoforms.com/FramesMagazine1/framesandcovid19 Thank you,
Giulio D’Ercole
Carlota Leitão
October 9, 2021 at 23:35
Congrats for the initiative. I will definitely sign up!
February 2, 2022 at 20:21
Dear Carlota,
I am so very sorry for this unforgivable delay in replying to you. I hope you have not lost your enthusiasm because of it. If you have not sent your work yet, please do. The deadline has been postponed to April 30th, 2022. Here is the link again https://www.cognitoforms.com/FramesMagazine1/framesandcovid19 Thank you,
Giulio D’Ercole
October 31, 2021 at 02:10
Hi, I would very much like to contribute to this but I would like to know whether photographers are compensated/paid for the photos if selected. Thanks.
October 31, 2021 at 13:14
Hello Sam, first of all, sorry for my late reply to your very poignant question. I do apologize.
As a matter of fact, we are not foreseeing, at the moment, any kind of compensation for the photos submitted. The reason is the fact that the project involves the digital projection of the photos (photos will not be printed as in regular exhibitions), in four different edited loops, one per wall. The loops will be of more or less 20 minutes each. To create such loops, we will need hundreds of photos, and the already very high budget of the project will go to a totally unsustainable amount of money if we will have to compensate the photographers for the photos they will avail. Even at a very low cost per photo. What the project foresees is the printed publication of a great catalogue where all photographers and their photos will be shown.
I do know this is not what one can wish for in an ideal situation, but honestly, this is what the practicality of such initiative involves.
I hope you do understand and that you will still agree to apply with your work.
Best regards,
Giulio D’Ercole
Lori Pessin Lafargue
November 22, 2021 at 13:35
I am very interested in this project, as I lost my 99 yr old Mom to Covid19 in April 2020. It changed not only my personal, emotional world, it changed the way I saw the world during the pandemic and now. It changed normalcy for everyone. This project can be enormous in scope or focused on one person and family. I would love to be part of it. I am by no means a professional photographer, but I have done well in some competitions, locally and internationally. Is it acceptable to enter a few images of Mom from good health to shortly before she succumbed to Covid19? She was a Cancer survivor, a social butterfly, loving and compassionate; she had a hint of a funeral, no religious traditions were allowed. Her story is everyone’s story. Should I pursue this within your project? Thanks so much.
November 22, 2021 at 17:54
Dear Lori,
First of all, I am very sorry for your loss. It is sadly obvious from your words how your Mom’s departure had a deep impact on you.
As per your question regarding your chance of participation, yes, of course, you can send us your photos. Eventually, not all of them will be utilized in our project, but I am quite sure we will find several very impactful.
I do thank you for your will to be part of an event that wants to leave a mark on people’s awareness.
Please follow the link with the call for submissions and do submit your work there.
Kindly, follow us also on our FB page, and feel free to share your images also on that group, even writing a short description of them, if you like. Here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/asnw.photos
Best regards,
Giulio D’Ercole
November 24, 2021 at 23:52
when is the closing date?
November 25, 2021 at 10:38
Hi Garrie, the deadline has been postponed to the end of February. Thanks for your will to participate. It would be wonderful if you could share the call for submissions on your social media. Having images from photographers from all over the world is pivotal to this project. Thank you, Giulio
Jeff Hall
February 1, 2022 at 22:58
Other than the mask-wearing I haven’t really been affected by Covid, but if I come up with something, I’ll join in. Thanks for the invite!
February 2, 2022 at 13:43
Hello Jeff,
Thanks for your reply. I am very glad that the only impact of Covid on your life has been only the mask-wearing 🙂 Just take into consideration that the photos we are collecting can represent many other themes Covid related: smart working, distance learning, signs of closure of shops, social distancing, self-portraits shot during Covid, and motivated by a new self-discovery during the lockdown. Also, we are not taking into consideration only the strict lockdown period, but the whole period we are living under Covid pressure…. up to now and unfortunately in the future months as well.
Best regards,
Jaffer Bhimji
February 2, 2022 at 20:11
My Covid project is almost ready needs to edit my text, should be done by the end of the week.
February 2, 2022 at 20:15
Wonderful, thank you, Jeff 🙂
February 2, 2022 at 20:22
February 2, 2022 at 20:25
Trial message
February 3, 2022 at 10:14
This project is so cool…
February 3, 2022 at 23:57
Thank you Marco 🙏👍
Tatiana Rivero Sanz
March 1, 2022 at 18:27
March 2, 2022 at 07:25
Thank you Tatiana. I alue your appreciation so much!
June 30, 2022 at 16:31
Hi guys, how was this project? Have you already made a decision?
July 1, 2022 at 09:32
Hello Carlota,
unfortunately, we had a few delays due to, guess what, Covid. The screening of the photos has suffered a delay but we are confident we’ll have the final selection after the summer.
Thanks a lot for inquiring.
Best regards,
July 1, 2022 at 15:57
Hi Giulio, thank you for the feedback!
Be safe 😉
July 1, 2022 at 15:57
Hi Giulio, thank you for the feedback!
Be safe 😉
July 1, 2022 at 16:07
Hello Carlota,
Thank you. Highly appreciated 🙂